
About the last presentation

a) The process of preparation and rehearsal
Honestly, our preparation was not enough especially because we did not have the time to do a rehearsal well. The main reason was, I guess, the difficulty of our topic because our topic was a little bit tricky one for the theme and we sometimes got confused what we could tell about that.
It, however, does not mean we did not take our time for the presentation. We met sometimes outside of class and we argued about the content. For me, such kind of experience was interesting because I do not do a group presentation usually so this experience reminded me my first year in this university.

b) The effectiveness of the introduction
This was not my part but I think this part was most well-constructed. In fact, the content was good. If I have to say something to this, It should contain more effective attention getter such as a video, unique question, or some sound effect.

c) The persuasiveness and organization of the content in the body
Using graph was effective and this part involves the reason why we need money. At least, it made audience imagine the current situation in ICU. Using more slides was perhaps better.

d) The conclusion and Q&A
This was my part. Through this presentation, I tried some experiments on presentation. The first one is using slow voice because I tend to speak rapidly as usual. According to my classmates' advices, it was too much and I should have use both slow and fast talking for more effective speech. Anyways, I understand how to use the slow voice and it is a little successful for me.
My second experiment is using metaphor. While doing presentation, I tried using a plant metaphor as education. This idea came from the idea which people tend to prefer a story to a logic. I thought the content is important but the expression would be more important occasionally
so I wanted to know how to use a metaphor effectively. This experiment was pretty successful. It might be not enough but I understood the effect through the chatting with my classmate. I guess I can gesture more for expressing the metaphor.
My third experiment is a tricky, unique, and sudden action to get attention or impress the audience. In the presentation, I suddenly used a sound effect by my voice and that was a sound of evolution in Pokemon. Unfortunately, I was a little embarrassed, the behavior was not successful. I should have acted more professionally.

e) Use of visuals
Owing to Mai's effort, our slides were coded like ICU websites, which means using blue and white color, and we used ICU's symbol. We might have been able to use the short film for the attention getter but it is not necessary.

f) Body language: Eye contact, facial expression, gestures, and posture
I tried using body language especially I expressed a metaphor for planting seeds, bringing them up, and blossom. These were not perfect but I think it is okay. Eye contact was my bad point this time because I almost forgot about eye contact. Maybe it's because of the lack of the rehearsal.

g) Use of voice
I think I could do speech in a clear voice. As my failure, I could not use the pause effectively, I can improve that point.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Overall Impressions, Good points:
    First of all, your group's presentation was noting good points that ICU is effective to the society and it made me proud of being one of it.
    Your voice was very clear and easy to understand. I think it was good that you repeated the points that Mai and Miki made to emphasize the message you want to convey. I also liked the "congratulation" part that you made a funny noise :) Nice slides with the good use of visuals and words.

    I think you tried to speak exactly the same thing what the script say and often lost your way. You can write a script as a process of brainstorming but basically, you can speak freely. More preparation is needed, and also it will be better to look at the audience while talking.

    Good presentation!
    Otsukaresama :)

  2. Hi Sho,


    Your group's presentation on why people should donate money to ICU was quite persuasive. I have listened to several speeches by the ICU President or Dean about why liberal arts is important, and I think your group's explanation was equally effective and even better in many respects! This was because you showed how liberal arts education trains people who will take action to make a difference and become the central players who will move projects in Africa or Haiti. All points seemed supported by clear concepts and good examples such as Service Learning or the activities of ICU Alumni. The final points about why more money is needed could have used some more financial specifics, but the general points were well-explained.

    Your Good Points:

    -Good transition from Miki.
    -Nice use of the seed metaphor. Effective imagery.
    -Good passion and pacing of voice, pausing seemed good in almost all parts. Some parts may have been over dramatic, so more variation was needed, but the overall effect for intelligibility was good.
    -Good content points about the need for money for inviting more international scholars.


    -1 million vs. 100 million -- be careful of number accuracy
    -pronunciation /beneficial/ c = /sh/ sound
    -The pokemon sound effect, as you mentioned, seemed a bit out of place compared to your serious tone.
    -Prepare for a final conclusion after the Q&A time.

    Very nice work on this presentation and good luck in future presentations!

