
Demonstrative Presentation Goals and assessment

Reflective Comment:
After the presentation, I understod that I could not control myself well while I did presentation. It's like that I was in a "automatic mode." I do not think it was a bad attitude for presentations. Because of that, however, I have to take time for preparing time because I can control my preparing time.

I guess that I did my presentation well basically but I can improve it more especially Q&A time.

Goals for Future Presentations:
- Answer the question more professionally.

- Get relax more. I want to be in a "manual moder" occasionally to control my presentation, not only in "automatic mode"

- try to emphasize important things, which means I need to improve the part of preview and review.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Sho,

    Nice reflection and goals. Here are my notes from the presentation day.

    Overall Impression: Energetic, passionate about this subject of meditation. Eager to communicate.

    Things l liked: The demo asking everyone to try it was interactive and memorable. I think everyone can remember the "scan" technique.


    1. As you mentioned, a little more control, which can be gained by experience, so just keep practicing. Manual mode is a good expression. Relax (with meditation?)

    2. Confusing phrases should be cut: "I guess" or "I don't know" throws the audience off because it seems to contradict your credibility.

    3. Try a full rehearsal with a partner next time? This will be possible with group work, so I think it will be good for you.

    Nice work on Pres. No.2!
